

A. Iniesta with Thailand Jersey has not scored

A. Iniesta with has been a Spain team's heart, the Croatia game, although he declined compared to the standard of the first two games, but still played a crucial role, last time he Dunks Navas scored to help Spain team into an eight-strong. It is worth mentioning that this Croatia game, A. Iniesta was named the overall best again, match 3 games, A. Iniesta has been twice UEFA awarded the overall best, which highlighted him in Spain's role within the team, as well as the feeling of the crowd at this European Cup. On the Italy game, A. Iniesta are Spain House the most active person,Cheap Johnson jersey, person poses a threat to an opponent up. After the UEFA best player awards are not awarded to the two goal hero Antonio Di Natale and Fabregas, but gave Spain attacks the core A. Iniesta. That game, although A. Iniesta failed to create scoring, but still has great play, his sharp personal breakthrough to the Italy defence created a lot of trouble, macho, and Giorgio Chiellini and bonucci are eating because of violations of small white to yellow. Ireland games, the winner was the plum blossoms BL Torres is the best, but the third game, A. Iniesta from his teammates hands back best player honors. A. Iniesta always was named overall best players do not deserve people surprised, in fact in the South Africa World Cup 6 Spain players best game, A. Iniesta with has been 3 times, including the final, and Harvey get 2 times, Biglia received 1. Coupled with this 2 time European Cup overall best, 2 competition, he has 5 times was awarded the overall best, called Spain "most critical". A. Iniesta said, its State is better: "I feel good this time, unlike the first two rounds of competition, I only want to is to good status competition and training. "In the Spain national team,Cheap Ray Lewis Jersey, A. Iniesta duck, playing a game than his Barca more important roles. In Spain, his flexibility, knowing that teammates will pass the ball to him to get him to break through, he doesn't have to, like in Barcelona, always ready to pass the ball to Messi. In fact, when A. Iniesta when the national team play,974, he felt like it was Barca's Lionel Messi. In the group stage, A. Iniesta seems very active, is Spain shot one of the highest number of players within the team, my only regret is that he also failed to score. For Italy he had a good shooting opportunity to Buffon, but shoot out. Ireland games, A. Iniesta attempts to long shots, but failed to break the fabulous display of Shay given guarded the door. Croatia, A. Iniesta with attempts to shoot or inconclusive, the end of the first half stage, da Silva, passing,New Peyton Manning Jersey, A. Iniesta shot to the left of the restricted area was blocked. 84 minutes, Fabregas zhichuan, A. Iniesta restricted areas small angle is Pletikosa flapping out of shooting to the left. However A. Iniesta assists made up for regrettable, 88 minutes, Fabre added midfielder picked, out of each other's defense of A. Iniesta gently plug, followed by a stop in the restricted area, although it is possible to direct shots, A. Iniesta was selfless front of line pass, Navas scored easily at close range, Spain team to break the deadlock, eventual group header name. Croatia after the game, A. Iniesta obtained good evaluations, the ABC newspaper A. Iniesta is "brave", "has his own standards, the team's score is his Dunks. Economic TV station said:" compared to dazzling performance before, A. Iniesta decline in the performance of the game, he only 83 minutes to complete a shoot, it was Spain's first shot in the second half. However the team when it was most needed, A. Iniesta came along, he pulled each other's defense, assists Navas scored. He was on the pitch for their tireless efforts to achieve the best player award. His continuous efforts in various locations doing, eventually turns out to Croatia team's door. ? The national newspaper said A. Iniesta when the national team play, he felt like it was Barca's Lionel Messi. Although not striker, A. Iniesta is less frequent than Messi scored, but his influence on the game are considerable. Around him, the coach can use a variety of players, including midfielder, winger, striker and shadow centers,Darrelle Revis Jersey 2012, because regardless of the programme, field effects are not bad. And when A. Iniesta one-to-one breakthrough time or accelerated surprise, he seems to have become a Zinedine Zidane. Spain Cup how results would be achieved during the session, much will depend on the performance of A. Iniesta. We would suffer torment! Competition is very difficult, but we fight to the end, but also to victory. "Spain team score, A,2041. Iniesta did not get credit, instead of praise for his small law:" little laws passing spectacular, he made a precise pass, where it is most needed. Residual light of my eyes after seeing Navas, I simply pass the ball he had had enough. "A. Iniesta with has not scored, but perhaps he would like two years ago, put the most important goal in the most important competitions,Adrian Peterson Jersey. If niesita will eventually be able to help Spain win again,1117, you can always get the best player title he may have the potential to compete with Ronaldo at the Golden Globe awards compete on, after all, in even-numbered years, the European Cup or World Cup champions were on the judges favor more; and other superstars in the champions, individual performance, and Cristiano Ronaldo are simultaneously competing The article is transferred from www.happysoccertown.com/blog

